The Benefits of Advertising in a Magazine

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The Benefits of Advertising in a Magazine

The number one benefit of advertising in a magazine is exposure, plain and simple! However, in order to have a purposeful campaign in your marketing efforts, there are certain factors that need to be considered. The most sizable task in your marketing efforts are; understanding who your targeted audience is, how to engage that consumer market, and finding which platforms will bring a better return on investment. A great medium to cover all of these components is a regularly circulated magazine advertising.

It is important for small and mid-sized businesses (SMB) to get the right exposure. By advertising in magazines within your industry, you are almost guaranteed to reach your targeted audience. Magazines have historically been popular for delivering information by covering a range of topics and Interest related to a particular subject. This targets consumer interest while keeping readers engaged with a variety of content. What makes this platform unique is that relevant advertisement is included as part of the magazine’s content, making advertising less interruptive. Consumers trust and believe magazine advertising more than advertising in other media and have come to accept advertising in magazines as valuable content. This means that unlike other media such as TV, newspapers and the internet, advertisement is actually appreciated.

In addition, multiple studies show marketing in magazines improves advertising ROI (return on investment). Magazines tend to have large list of subscribers and loyal readerships built on trust and repetition; .The average monthly magazine accumulates, more or less, 60% of its audience within a month’s time, and the average weekly magazine accumulates nearly 80% of its audience in two weeks.You can see magazines piled up in just about every lobby and waiting room. Consumers refer to magazines multiple times—even saving them—giving advertisers the opportunity for multiple exposures. This greatly increases brand awareness and moves readers to action, leading to more web searches and word of mouth marketing. Again, this is because readers tend to have a more favorable opinion about the advertiser in response to magazine ads. When you place an ad in a target-specific magazine, you are marketing directly to a specific target simply placing the ad you’ve zeroed in on a market niche that is probably already interested in the type of product or service you’re offering. Although ad space prices may vary, magazines have proven their popularity and credibility, for both consumers and businesses.